24 July 2017

Week #48

"Uri the trainer who trains?" hahah

well transfers is this week and ive been called to train!! im kind of stoked but also nervous know that the beggining of your mission effects the rest of it! and if its not good. oooooo you will suffer ooo!! i went to some meeting with the 21 other trainers this group. got 9 coming from provo mtc so it will be just like me when i came!! hahah gonna be sweet!!

this week is honestly hard to beat. between moving presidents shippment into his house. to answering like 234897289 questions from a humanitarian group from the US.to having 10 investagators at church and even  finding out that this saturday a year long investagator is going to be baptised!! what an amazing week it was!

i want to talk about the miracle of sister Sarah and her answer to her prayer to know the truth.

so sarah is the first councelors wife in the Nkanfoa ward (brother victor), brother victor has been a member for about a year and a half and was endowed about 6 months ago. hes wanted his wife who was born and raised a catholic to join the church so that he could be sealed with his family in the temple. they have 3 children that are sooo spazy i love them, one of them is also baptised. july 6 of 2016 sister sarah was referred to the missionaries. (last year) shes been taught almost weekly if not dailey this past year.

shes the women i talked about a few weeks ago how she has always hated the church because of some of the way the members are in there life and have made big mistakes. thats why sarah has not joined all this time. so the custom in west africa is usually the women has to go to the church of the husband (they dont have to but usualy they do) brother victor has been sooo patient this whole time and has allowed her to go to her church. but for the past 10 weeks she has come to church.

the whole ward knows sarah and has tried to help her know that this is true, prayer after prayer, testimony after testimony has been said to sarah. and all this time shes recieved small answers but not enough for her to know the truth. but brothers and sisters, God does answer prayers, in his time...

sarah was asleep a few nights ago when she had a dream, in the dream she was simply asked, "sarah where is your temple recommend?" she said she wanted to insult the man cause she knew that she cant have one cause shes not a member. she then woke up, very confused i bet so she woke up her husband brother victor. she told him what happened in her dream..

brother victor then explained to her that the only way to get a temple recommend is to  be baptised. she immediatly knew it was an answer to her prayer. she said i want to be baptised this saturday! we are soooo excited! over 1 year of missionaries and a million prayers... prayers are answered!

and guess what they are even playing on going through the temple 1 year from saturday to be seal for time and all eternity! i am soo grateful to be apart of this wonderful prosses!!

love you all sooo much!! another great week ahead of us!!

elder jeppson

1.the 21 trainers!
2-3. helped move presidents shippment from home inside his house! HAHAH president is sooo funny after we set up his matress he said come try it hahaha
4.just pday ballin

17 July 2017

Week #47


well nothing to really say about this week except we ate a LOT of food hahaha i think my prayers have been answered cause i was soooo tired of not having Fm's in nkanfoa (free meals) but man like 4 Big fufus and boncu fms in a row hahah

the work is great! everyday elder ogar and i get closer and closer and our teaching styles are sooo powerful now. ive learned a lot from him and i continue to learn everyday. lots of contacting this week. HAHAHAH elder ogar and i both had a prompting to try to talk to this one lady walking by but when i greeted her she didnt respond I kept walking hahah Ogar on the other hand stopped and tried to talk the lady. SHES DEAF. hahah we both didnt know how to react but just made little heart symbols and waved bye hahahaha we both just died laughing!! but who knows maybe we planted just a small smallllll seed! hahah oh mission is funny!

nothing much to say about this week but i encourage each and everyone one of you that read this email to sit down one night and just write a list of all the possessions you have. write EVERYTHING. when you get done youll feel somthing that i cant describe in an email. a feeling of gratitude and love that your father in heaven has for you. being grateful is not always easy especially during trials but we all have soooo much and sometimes we dont even recognize it. god love us all and blesses us with so many things, sometimes more then we even need... 

ghana has taught me a lot. and everyday i learn more and more from the most humble, grateful people in the world! 


elder jeppson

1. the district!!
3. more fooooooooood
4. ogar and i with our kentay matching ties. (CUTE, I KNOW)

10 July 2017

Week #46

People are watching YOU.

well i wanted to start with a joke this week sooo...how long is a Chinese man? (answer at the bottom hahaha)

Average week i guess. kind of sucked missin the 4th of july but we made the most of it and made some chicken sausages with bread and watermelon to celebrate hahah GOD BLESS THE USA

Got a text this week from one of my old investagator named Paul. Now brother paul i taught for about 5 months and met with him almost everyday. Paul knows the church is true but his uncle, the one he has been staying with (the old bishop) said paul needs about 6 MONTHS of learning before he can be baptized.... what the wow hahah

All the text simply said was, "elder jeppson! im being baptized this saturday! i am very excited. thank you for andswering my questions and helping me find the true church." i sat back and thought about how many times i had taught paul. and although i wont see paul get baptized, i had such a peacful feeling and full of graditude that i got to be part of pauls conversion! im sooo blessed and i cant wait to call him saturday and ask him how it went! 6 months that man has waited for just a few seconds in a faunt in the middle of west africa, yet the effect of those few seconds is eternal! i love being a missionary and being an instrument in the lords hand.

People are watching YOU. as latter day saints those that see you in your dailey life have a curiosity about you. they notice and watch your actions and its simply because the light of christ is in your life. This is a Great thing! but it also can be very harmful to the reputation of the church. recently had a lesson with a long time investagator who finnally opened up about why she still doesnt want to join the church. she said that she had notice that some of the members werent being good christians and doing very bad things. she said if this is truley gods church then the members would be very good.people.

i was sad to hear this news but we tried to teach her how the church is perfect but the people of the church are not and they still make mistakes. the lesson i learned is not that the members of ghana are not good but that People Are Watching Us. so in all things do what is right. if we members do what is right in the sight of the lord people who are not of the church wont have any troubles about the church. president uchdorf once said something like, "be a faithful latter day saint and if necessary use words." meaning that in our actions people should see we are good disciples of christ and that we truley have taken upon his name and if we feel the spirit tell us too. share our thoughts with words!

Remember PEOPLE are watching! so do good in All things!

love you all! 

elder jeppson

its a statement... How Long is his name and he's a chinese man

1. 4th of july Feast!!! hahaha
2-5. Little farm day!! IN THE RAINNNNN! hHAAH
6.yamorandsa zone and president and sister hillam

03 July 2017

Week #45

the legend President Stevenson

what a cool week it was! president stevenson left this morning for the USA!! the whole country of ghana is gonna miss that man. he taught me sooo many things but above all i think the best thing that man taught me what really understanding Agency can affect your dailey life. understanding agency helps understand that everyone has there choice to do WHAT EVER they want to do. like god we too must learn to respect everyones agency and their decisions, sometimes we know people are making the wrong choice but all we can do is just pray for them and show a good example. but we Must all learn to respect the agency of others and just do our part. Im gonna miss president stevenson! that man is sooo powerful and a true diciple of christ!

....that being said... president and sister hillam are sooooo COOL!! we are gonna enjoy these next few weeks and i cant wait to get to know them!

sister beatrice was baptize on saturday. shes fat so i had to do the baptizm cause ogar was scared hahah man i struggled to pull her up ill be honest hahah but the baptism was soooo sweet!

well ive been reading about the wars in the last few chapters of alma, one of the most well known stories is of course! Helaman and the 2000 strippling warriors. as i was readding though i realized somthing i havent thought of before. when the laminites are chasing the 2000, helaman says that they could not turn left or right or they would be surrounded by the lamanites and overtaken. so helaman and his men ran in a straight line away from them not turning left of right but running straight away from danger.

in our life when danger is following us or temptation, lets not even give in just a little by turning just small to the left or right. RUN in a straight line away from danger. now this could be a literal sence or spiritualy. we must not give in even just a little, when we do, just as helaman states, we would of been overtaken and destroyed. like i said i love this story! means sooo much to me!!

keep it up and ENJOY THE GREATEST HOLIDAY IN THE WORLD! love you all. thanks for the prayers.

elder jeppson

1.me and like 2000 bucks of one of my members kentay!! 
2. beatrices baptism!!
3. some of us elders in cape coast pitched in for a painting made for presidents going away gift. LOOKS good!
4. one of our members sons named moroni celebrated his BDAY so we went and just enjoyed!! (elder stevens and i are july born so we got to help cut the cake)